czwartek, 29 grudnia 2016

Christmas time

As I promised, this is the first post in English. I know it takes time before I start to be confident, but it is a good practice. So, let's keep it simple and let's get started :)

My first Christmas without family and friends wasn't so easy (let's imagine Christmas Eve morning, when you wake up and realize that you're alone on the other side of the Ocean). But... I'm really thankful for having this amazing host family. They made this Christmas very special. Even though, there were lots of differences, they gave me opportunities to feel comfortable, welcomed and happy.
It was so funny watching kids preparing cookies and milk for Santa and carrot for his reindeer... watching them hopping in the bed to fall asleep as fast as it is possible in order to Santa can come... watching them unwrapping presents in Christmas morning...
I'm lucky to be surrounded by so many good people! Some people say that first Christmas without family is the hardest one, but it's not too tough when you have such amazing family and friends around you.
I even didn't realize that it's been 7 months since I crossed the border of the States!
Time is passing too fast and I'm still learning how to catch moments :)

P.S. I've been a good girl, because I still find presents under the Christmas tree. Thanks Santa ;)

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